Page name: Arianova rp page 7 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-07 16:38:30
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
# of watchers: 3
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"Ben." Lei Fang said looking up at him agian blushing slightly.

"Yes?"Ben says again, looking down at her, sitting on her bed.

Lei Fang burried her head in his chest and mumbled something, "...and I just thought maybe we could." She said looking up at him.

"Could what?"Ben says, smiling down at her.

Lei Fang blushed, "Nothing. Nevermind. Forget it." She sighed, looking down.

"It's okay, what were you going to say?"Ben says, smiling.

Lei Fang bit her lip, "Make." She paused and blushed, "love." She said looking down. Not able to finish it.

"You sure?"Ben asked, looking seriously at her.

Lei Fang nodded, "I've never before. But I want to. Really."

"Okay then."Ben says, looking at her gently.

Lei Fang smiled, sitting on his lap. She smiled up at him and tossed her jacket on his shoulder on the chair in the corner. She cupped his face, looing at him, differently then before.

Ben smiled and hugged her lightly.

Lei Fang stripped of her top, then kissed him.

ben leaned slowly back, kissing her as well.

A while later, "That was nice." Lei Fang smiled, laying in Ben's arms on her bed. She cringed moving a little.

"Most certianly."Ben says, smiling and closing his eyes, trying to fall asleep.

Lei Fang curled up into him and fell asleep.

Ben fell asleep, with Lei on his chest, snoring gently.

Lei Fang managed to leave his embrace to dress, and fall asleep in the chair. She was ready for what ever teh day coming would uphold.

Ben rolled over, onto his stomach, pulling the blanket over him.

Lei Fang looked at him, then crawled up behind him. Taking her hands under the blanket and up his body.

Ben shivered unconsiously, shifting his head.

Lei Fang kissed the side of his face, moving some hair from it. She smiled, she loved looking at him.

ben smiled in his sleep before waking and looking up at her.

"Sorry." Lei Fang whsipered, falling back behind him. Laying there.

"It's okay..."Ben says, smiling tiredly.

"Sleep love." Lei Fang smiled kissing his check.

"Thst's okay for me..."Ben says, falling asleep again.

Lei Fang smiled then too fell asleep.

Ben smiled in his sleep and started to snore gently.

Lei Fang twitched, kicking Ben in her sleep. In the middle of a nightmare.

Ben grunted and shifted, sliding her off his back. He got up and picked her up, cradling her in his arms.

Lei Fang whimpered. She struggled trying to get away from him, afraid he would hurt her.

"It's okay, it's okay. Shhh, shhhh, I'm here."Ben says quietly, rocking her slowly.

Lei Fang tossed agian. Struggling harder. "No. Please." She whimpered.

"It's okay, don't worry."Ben says, smling and kissing her lightly.

"Ben?" Lei Fang asked half still scared.

"It's Ben here, yes, it's me. Don't worry..."Ben says, smiling down at her.

Lei Fang nodded, pulling close. Tears falling down her face.

Ben wiped away the tears, kissing her forehead gently.

"I'm so sorry. I Just, nightmare. And I. I normally don't have those." Lei Fang said. "Really I'm sorry to have woke you agian."

"Anything for you...we all have our demons..."Ben says, smiling down at her.

Lei Fang smiled then gave him a nod. She then snuggled close and fell asleep in his embrace.

Aerion sat in her tent, her back to the 'wall'. What had she done? Ah well, it was of no matter now. She took a small dagger from beside her, and a small piece of wood. She slwoly began to whittle.

Chris nodded. He didn't have any expectations for her to swoon over him. In fact he was glad she didn't. Sure, any Kerrigon could have done it. But any Kerrigon wouldn't have the need to escape punishment. Not that he would ever admit that was his motivation. His smile was gone now. He began walking, leading the way at a very brisk pace.

Hana followed, face stoic, surprisingly keeping up with him easily. "What's your leader like anyway?" she asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Strict," Chris replied after some thought. "But she keeps us together well. She is good at her job."

"Mm... I approve," Hana said as if she had a say in it. "The weak don't deserve to lead..."

"Luna," Lerayel said in greeting. She saw the distant look, the difference in her friend's posture. "Are you alright?" she knew the answer already. She also knew that what she had to say would not in any way make her feel better. She was dreading having to say it. But she needed to be honest. Luna needed to know.

Jalen noticed their need for privacy and quietly took his leave. He gave Luna a gentle hug of comfort and made slight eye contact with Lerayel before he left; a sign to call and he would come. Then started off to help with practice and weapons.

Lerayel shook her head. "Jalen, you needn't leave," she said, but he was already gone. She sighed. The prospect of informing Luna of Alec's fate was all the more frightening alone.

Luna sat down beside Lerayel & then looked at her with a half hearted smile, she then sighed softly before saying to Lerayel," You wanted to speak with me?" She then waited for Lerayel to speak & she kept her eyes on her, with the same look as she had kept with Jalen. She still had that distant stare, she distance never lets her eyes & she jsut waited for Lerayel to say something. she sinletly contacked Jalen asking him to come back to the tent, she wnated to say something to him & she knew she needed to say it before Lerayel said anything. 

Jalen, who was still adjusting to this method of contacting, jumped a little in surprise. After a moment though, he seemed to silently realize what was going on and hesitantly retured to the tent. "Yes?" he asked as he slowly entered the tent, curiousity on his face.

Luna stopped Lerayel for a moment & then siad quietly, Jalen i'm readlly sorry about before, when we where in the woods i angered you & i shouldn't have. It was wrong no me & i owe you my sincerest apology Jalen." She then looked him in the eyes & then lowered her head, she truly was sorry for acting like that before.

Jalen stared at her a moment, unsure what she was talking about. Then he remembered. They had argued, and he had become annoyed with her. "I accept your apology," he said after a moment, keeping his calm eyes on her.

Luna then looked up at him & then looked to lerayel, as she sat back down in her chair. She had stood when Jalen walked in & had jsut now sat back down, She then kept her eyes on the ground nodding for Lerayel to speak when ready. She tried to hide all emotions right now, but it was hard to she was nervious as to what Lerayel would dya to her.

Lerayel sighed heavily. "Luna... something happened... We ran into some Kerrigons. It was one of them that hurt me. And...." She found she couldn't finish. She shook her head, mad at herself.

Luna looked at Lerayel & then said to her," You can finish Lerayel, i know you can just say it & then let em decide on how bad it is." She then waited again & even rocked herself, she truly was nervious. 

"Go on Lera," Jalen urged gently. "She needs to know..."

Lerayel shook her head. "Alec... was with them. Dead." She closed her eyes, stopping tears.

Luna swallowed hard & tried to smile to hide the tears, but couldn't. Luna tried to speak, but her voice cracked & she stood slowly. She walked past Jalen & headed to a tree just at the edge of the camp, she leaned against it sliding to the ground. She finaly let the silent tears fall, her eyes closed & her body shaking she didn't know what to do.

Lerayel sighed again, hearing Luna leave. She sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She stood swiftly- too swiftly. The tent spun around her. She closed her eyes, going pale and trying to maintain balance. After a few deep breaths, she slowly walked toward the entrance, each step sending pain shooting through her side. She couldn't heal herself- it took much more energy to heal oneself than to heal another. She would likely pass out if she tried, or worse. But she needed to go comfort Luna.

Luna mentaly said to Lerayel," Get back in bed now Lerayel, just let me deal with this alone & besides your wound could reopen." She said sharply, but mentaly none the less & then went silent.

"Lera.." Jalen's gentle voice drifted to her as he took her upper arm with his hand. "Go back to bed and rest, I will see to her, ok? I will send if you are needed."

Though Luna had sounded angery, she was far from it & felt more alone than anything now. She stared off at the ground the silent tears still fallnig & her gaze even distant now that before, she couldn't truly let her pain out right now for some reason.

Lerayel blinked but ignored Luna's telepathic warning. She also refused to listen to Jalen. "I need to speak to her," she insisted. "I need to." Her voice faded, barely a whisper. She knew she wouldn't have the strength to follow Luna. But she didn't care. She exited the tent, ignoring all the stares.

Luna simply sat there, she knew no one would listen to her & she knew that Lerayel would only do as she wanted to. She was after all her leader & Luna knew she couldn't stop her leader, she knew she would do as she wished.

Jalen sighed. Stubborn Lera.. When she set her mind on something, she didn't stop. Well, he was her loyal guard dog and he'd be damned if he didn't at least make her missions easier. So, being as careful as possible, Jalen walked up to Lerayel, lifted her into his arms, and, with a determined face, carried her off to Luna.

Lerayel sighed, struggling slightly. "I can walk," she said stubbornly, even though it was practically a lie. Finally she gave up, relaxing into his arms. At least he had accepted the fact that she needed to talk with Luna.

Luna glanced up from her sitting position & then glanced around, her eyes catching on Jalen carrying Lerayel. She shook her head & then looked back to the ground, she knew she wouldn't get much peace right now.

Makaan frowned, then looked around for a moment, makiing sure thing was out of place. "Well dear, that defeats the point. I'm not about to leave one of you to find the other, when Chris maybe long gone by now."

"Don't you have a thing called a life? Go recruit, kill a rabbit, do something to get out of my hair," Siara said simply and coldly. She wanted, needed to bury Alec, but not infront of Makaan.

Makaan grinned and looked back at her. "My life is for the Kerrigons. Plus recruiting in this place? There isnt much to choose from a pacifist nation."

"Try," Siara said, her voice having an edge of threatening to it. She gave him a look that ensued fear. Her glare was cold, and by the looks of it, she wouldn't mind stabbing him to death.

Makaan, sighed, then looked back out on the terain. "I'll leave that sort of work to the riff raff. I have better things to do. Like babysitting the Second-in-Command." A small grin crept over his lips.

"The weak have no place among the Kerrigons," replied Chris. "What help would the weak be in the starting of a war?"

Hana thought for a minute. "Suicidal bombers? Or of course.. biological warfare..." she said after a few moments, then seemed to realize giving him such ideas would be a bad idea in itself and fell silent.

"If they are weak, they would not have the willpower to be suicidal in any way," countered Chris, before shrugging. It was pointless, really.

"I meant if you surgically imbedded the bomb in them, so they couldn't get it out. Then they would have no choice but to attempt to seek help. The weak always do that.. Not brave enough to stay and die, perhaps killing a couple of 'bad people', they just run off to the good screaming for help!" Hana sounded half disgusted, but more submissed to the idea.

Chris shrugged. "Perhaps." He fell silent, leading the way out of the town. They were reaching the outskirts now.

Hana, too, went mute. Not the best of conversationalists... Maybe he is not as pompous as I thought.. Perhaps I can put up with him.. she decided.

Now they were entering the woods. It was no longer from lack of skill as a conversationalist that Chris was silent. They were in Sabrellan territory. He led Hana through it in complete silence, and soon the Kerrigon camp was in sight.

Orchid sat in her tent a smug look of superiority graced her delicate,yet feirce facial features.But yet there was worry deep in her cold heart.Alex was taking to long to kill her and return,she feared she had lost him.

Chris approached the tent in slight nervousness, although it didn't show. He knocked on a slat of wood outside Orchid's tent.

Siara almost growled at him. "There's a reason why you're a lower and I'm second in command," She said, her eyes dark.

"Maybe so dear Siara but my orders come from the Lord herself. So you have been out ranked in this one. you're important to the Lord and she feels you need a bodyguard." Makaan finished then hitting her staff to the ground. "Now finish what you are doing so that we can head back. What are you doing anyway which is so important?"

Jalen, unperterbed by Luna's anti-social behavior, walked up to her and, as gently as he would lay flowers on a grave of a loved one, placed Lerayel down beside her before kneeling by her. He kept his eyes keen, wary of any danger that may come their way and possibly harm the women.

Luna looked up at him & hten said softly," I'm sorry i have been acting this way, same to you Lerayel & forgive me for it. It's just that, like i told Jalen Lerayel & i'll say it again i almost lost you my only family that i have known. I just found out that i lost Alec & i'm afraid of being close to anyone, i'm afraid of getting close to you Jalen because i fear i might lose you. It seams that i have lost alot that no one should ever lose, i jsut don't want to lose anyone else & reguardless of weather they are just a friend. " She then looked to them both & finaly the tears began to fall, she had finaly let all her pain as well as fears out.

"I know, Luna.... I know," Lerayel said soothingly, sitting up slowly. "We have all lost friends, families, loved ones. At least... At least you know he was not loyal to the Kerrigons. I admit... I doubted him. I didn't trust him in the least. I wish I could take that back now. I wish I had accepted him earlier. But I didn't. Now the truth is known. It is a lesson for the future..." She stopped. "I'm rambling. I'm sorry." She paused, her voice falling to a whisper. "But at least you lost your love to something you couldn't control. At least you knew he was not the enemy. I... lost everything... He didn't die. He never existed in the first place...." She knew anyone who didn't know her total history would have no idea what she was saying. Jalen knew. Luna knew just the half of it.

Jalen's eyes flashed with a memory at the mention of Alec's loyalties. He knew all too well just where Alec had placed something so precious to the elf. At the mention of her history, though, his now sad eyes moved to Lerayel. If only he had been able to save her that pain, too. Everyone who knew of Jalen and even a vague understanding of where he stood with Lerayel knew that he would shred enemies without her there to stop him. She was the only person who could keep him as the 'adorable puppy' persona he had most of the time. He didn't know what he'd do without her, and he prayed no one ever had to find out, because he knew it would not bode well for them. His eyes fell and he looked back around at the trees, resuming his watch. Lera was the most important person in the universe to him. He would easily take death to save her and let her win another fight another day. He knew she knew it, and that was good enough.

Luna nodded to them both & then said softly," But atleast you have known Jalen for far longer Lerayel, you both have been so kind to me in the time i have known you & i know that both of you will find love again eventualy. Yet as for me who knows if i ever will again, besides there is no one here that could ever love me in return now & i know that as well as you both do. " She then fell silent & said softly to Lerayel," You should go lay back down now, Jalen will take you to you tent & i feel as if i should lay down as well atleast maybe then i can hopefuly lose myself instead of thinking." She then nodded to Jalen & stood waiting for him to gather Lerayel in his arms & take her back to her own tent, she was not totaly silent again.

"Luna, I'm sorry. I haven't been nearly as good to you recently as I should have been. I have snapped at you, yelled at you, scolded you, for no reason. I'm sorry. I've been busy, so busy... but that is no excuse. I promise it won't happen again," Lerayel said, her voice slightly stronger again. She eased herself to her feet, turning to go back to her tent. Even she knew she needed the rest. But she wanted to get there on her own.

Luna looked at Lerayel & then said quietly," None of that matters i'm just your friend & helper nothing more Lerayel, what is said or done to me doesn't matter. I'm not of importance, you are far more important & i haven't done my job lately. I deserve how i have been treated lately, i'm not surprised that i haven't been hit & even smacked for not doing what i should be doing." She then slowly began to walk off, her head lowered & her eyes on the ground.

Jalen looked panicked between them before trotting after Lerayel, circling around her but making sure not to impede her progress. "You are strong, Lera. You can get back and tend to yourself. I will watch over her." And with a small kiss to her forehead, Jalen dashed off after Luna and walked beside her, silent for a moment before, "I don't think you have deserved what you have recieved.. That is, haven't recieved lately..." he said gently. Her comment about love had startled him. He had never been in love before. It was truly a foreign concept to him, not that anyone knew that. Lera did, but in a way her preferred. She knew he didn't want a life partner. He had devoted himself to Lerayel's side and had no desire to betray that. So, without a first love, how could he have a chance at it again? Only one answer, he couldn't. And he was happy that way.

Lerayel nodded, reflecting momentarily how grateful she was for his loyalty. She wanted to contradict Luna, but it was too late. Her friend was already gone. So she let Jalen follow her. He would help Luna. For now, she concentrated on placing one foot in front of the other, making it back to her tent. She was a quarter of the way now. Her side was hurting. Halfway. Oh, no. She felt wetness, and warmth. She was bleeding again. Three quarters. She was finding it harder to walk. She had overestimated her strength. She couldn't make it. Her tent was in sight. But she couldn't go on. She sat down in a random place, thinking she would continue in a moment. Her hand pressed against her side, trying to stem the blood flow and the pain. It wasn't working. She knew she was going pale again. Her head nodded foreward, and darkness claimed her once more.

Loke was walking towards Lerayel's tent, knowing the bettle was finished as he had seen Jalen. He stopped, seeing her sprawled on the ground, unconcious. What had happened? He gently picked her up, bringing her into her tent and hoping she would forgive him for the breach of privacy. He saw she was bleeding, and bandaged the wound as best he could. He was no medical expert, but at least it would stop the bleeding. Then he left her, knowing she would awaken soon.

Luna glanced at Jalen & then looked back at the ground, she didn't know what to say right now. She only knew that atleast she was alittle better in how she was acting & showing herself than before, yet she was still alittle down. Though she would probably keep to herself for a little while longer untill someone asked her, atleast she would be ok now untill something else happened & she hoped nothing would.

"You're a very nice woman," Jalen continued, trying to cheer her up, at least a little. "You should smile more, Luna."

Luna glanced at him before saying softly," If only i had something to smile about right now Jalen, but i don't & the day i smile again will be a good day. Yet for now i don't think i could bring myself to smile, i only wish something & or someone could make me smile right now." She then nodded to him, but fell silent again & slowly walked into her tent holding the flaps open for him letting him know he was welcome inside.

"I only wish I could make things better for you," the werewolf said as he took the flap to let her find a seat before he entered. He vaguely thought of how odd it was that his protectiveness of her grew more and more each time they had a talk, given what he was, and what her name meant.

Luna sat down on her cot & waited for him to sit down, she then said softly to him," Don't worry about me, if it's ment to be this way for me then so be it & when things are to get better they will. " She then looekd to him, her eyes alittle softer than before & yet they still held alittle blankness to them even though they mirrored the sky.

"That's very true, but you have to stay positive through the bad stuff, too, because you know that good is on it's way," Jalen said kindly and smiled at her. He then placed one of his hands on hers. "And I'm always going to worry about you, Luna. I care about you," he finished sincerely.

Luna looked to his hand as it touched hers & she said nothing for a moment, then finaly spoke," But you shouldn't worry about me, you have Lerayel to worry about & she is more important." She then looked straight at him, her eyes locking onto his & she stared at him for a moment before looking away.

Jalen gently touched her chin with his free hand and turned her head so he could look into her eyes. "I worry about all my friends' well-being, Luna, and you are no exception. You are a dear friend to me, and I want you to be happy."

Luna then sat silent for a moment before saying quietly to him," If i'm to be happy, thne it's because fate wanted me to be that way & if i'm not to be then it menas fate has something in store for me yet who truly knows." She then lowered her stare, but kept her head level due to his hand still holding her chin up & she bit ehr lower lip lightly.

"Fate isn't the Almighty Power, Luna!" Jalen said incredulously. "She gives you good and bad. It's up to you what you want to focus on." He removed his hands from her and frowned slightly.

Luna then turned her head away again, her words soft as she said to him," Thats just it though, how can i focus on something when there isn't much for me to focus on & no mater what lately it seams as if i disapont you or someone else with my choices. I just wish i knew what to do right now, but i'm jsut so confused & so lost that i can't see the path ahead." She then looked at him, her eyes glistening with tears & yet not a single one fell down her cheek.

Jalen shook his head. "Luna, you have never dissappointed me. And if you are having such a hard time seeing, you need to stop and take a minute to decide what's important, really important, prioritize, and then work hard to make those good."

Luna looked up at him again & then said calmly," I just can't do it alone & if i try then fail at it i will break me, i'm not strong enough right now to do it alone." She then stared into his eyes, the tears welling at the edges of them & her hand shaking. She truly was afraid, she didn't think she could do it alone & with so much weighting down on her right now it would literaly tear ehr apart.

"You don't have to," Jalen said gently. "I'm here, whenever, however, you need me, ok? You need only ask and I'll help you however I can, ok?" His eyes were sincere as he looked into hers, but at the same time the edges of his mind were tingling with his senses. She smelled so afraid.... He stifled a growl that wished to leave him and forced himself to focus on Luna as a woman, not a half-breed. She was scared, yes, but that just meant she wanted comfort, not protection. For now, that's what he needed to give. He pulled her into a hug, holding her gently and stroking her hair.

Luna went limp in his arsm & just closed her eyes, she shook alittle in his arms yet felt safe knowing someone was there. Light tears fell from her eyes & dampened his shirt alittle, she continued to bite at her lip.

"There, there," Jalen said softly and comfortingly, holding her close to show she was safe. "I'm here, Luna.. I'm here.."

Luna stayed silent for a while & then said to him," Thank you Jalen, you have helped me alot. " She then went silent again, but this time slowly started to fall asleep in his arsm & never once moved.

"Anytime," Jalen wispered back and held her until she was completely asleep. Once she was, he lay her down on her cot and exited quietly to find Lerayel.

Luna didn't stay asleep for to long, before she woke then sat up & huddeled herself into a corner on her cot. She then lay her head on her knees & rocked herself, she stared off at the wall just rocking.

Orchid flinched slightly as she was stirred from her thoughts but easily regained her composure."Come in..."She purred dangerously.

Chris entered, indicating for Hana to follow. "Lady Orchid," he said in greeting.

Orchid nodded her head in response."Chris,I assume you have a good reason for disturbing me.."She said,her voice gentle yet holding a certain power to it as she inclined her head questioningly towards Hana.

"Of course," replied Chris. "I have come to inform you that Alec is dead." He inclined his head to her. "And to tell you I have recruited another member." He indicated Hana. "She has skills which are unique, and in every way I believe will be of help."

Orchid's head lowered as a tear streamed down her face."Who killed him.."Her voice was low and dangerous,not questioning him but demanding the true answer.

"I-it was I," Chris admitted quietly. "He deserted us. He failed to do his duty." He was nervous, but it did not yet show. He knew he would have to admit to her, eventually, that the advisor of the Sabrellans was still alive.

Orchid growled slightly her fist clenching so hard that her claw like nails dug into her palms,causing blood to drip down onto the floor."How dare you..."She hissed raising from her chair in one swift movement,raking her nails across his cheek and jaw bone."You were to send him to me if he betrayed us!You disobeyed me!!...What do you have to say in your defense!"She growled angrily,her eyes daring him to defend himself.

Hana, still only just in the tent, smirked slightly. Oh yes, she decided she liked this woman's spark. They'd get along well, she knew it.

Chris didn't so much as flinch when her claws broke his skin. He knew he must answer, or he would follow Alec in death. But he also knew no excuse he could come up with would be good enough for her. "He wanted to die!" he said, after only a second's hesitation. "He knew if I brought him back, you would not kill him." It was insufficient, he knew, but there was no more to say.

"Since when are you so foolish..that you would delibertly disobey that you could give the gift of death..and take away my right to punish him...Alec belonged to do you.."Orchid said her voice a haunting whisper.Slowly she approached Chris and put her nails under his chin digging them into his skin and pulling them face to face,her lips grazing his as she spoke."Never forget that when you joined the kerrigons,you gave your life to me..I own it..You took Alec's life from me..Do you know why he wanted to die?It was because he knew the only way to ecscape me was death...Let this be a lesson to you.."She said turning her eyes towards Hana."If you join me..the only escape from me will be death..that's why I dont kill least not right away.."She said,her voice challenging Hana.

Hana shrugged a shoulder easily. "I'm not devoting myself to you, I'm simply... offering my services to help the Kerrigons, that's all. Threats from those who hold no power over me are rather.. childish." She continued smirking, but in a fond sort of way to show she didn't mean to challenge Orchid. She already liked the woman. She obviously had excellent leading skills. "But you need not worry. I'm not going to 'betray' you, and not just because I'm not working for you, no, I won't betray you because, why would I go back to a place that is just so... drole? No, I'd rather rattles the world's cage a bit before I lose my life."

Orchid gave Hana a rare smile,her fangs glistening slightly."An undevoted soldier..Im going to have fun using you.."She said a slight laugh hidden in her cruel voice.She smiled once more before turning back to Chris,who she still held close with her nails,her smile fading."As for you..Never disobey me again.."She said gently before releasing him from her grasp.

Chris gave no indication that he heard her. Her insults had hurt. A lot. But he gave no indication of that either. He was, in fact, relieved that she did not punish him more greatly. His face remained emotionless, his body still. This relief was made greater knowing that she did not know of his encounter with Lerayel. "That is all," he said. "Shall I go now?"

Orchid growled slightly and turned to Hana"Leave us!"She demanded harshly before turning back to Chris,her eyes more gentle then he had ever seen them before,though still amazingly obtaining their cruel power.She knew she had hurt him,and did not regret it,she felt it was nessacary to remind him where is loyalty lie.

Chris met Orchid's gaze, and was surprised by what he saw there. Suddenly he felt a strong, urgent need to tell her the entire truth. He held his tongue, knowing the result would be punishment much, much worse than the insults he had just recieved. But he was sure there was some sign of his inner struggle upon his face, much as he tried to hide it.

Orchid realized that Chris was holding something back."Chris...Tell me everything.."She said gently,though it was obviously a command.

Chris's heart sank. He knew there was no way to escape telling her. "We had a run in with some Sabrellans." He did not yet reveal which Sabrellans, although he knew he must eventually.

Orchid glared at him,suspicion reflected in her eyes."You're still not telling me everything..And I dont like to be left out.."She said,her voice taking on a warning tone.

Chris tensed. He knew there was no way out of this, and he expected the worst. "We- that is to say, Siara and I- met their leader. I presume you know of whom I speak. I let my... emotions... get the best of me and was focused on her bodyguard. They... got... away." He found it extremely difficult to admit that.

Orchid's gazed hardened and her body tensed."Foolish and weak....."Was all she uttered.Her voice cold and emotionless,not even anger showed

"Yes, Orchid, I know," said Chris, surprised by his own calmness. "And I am beyond sorry for my mistake."

"I trust that you will never let this happen again..."Orchid said softly.It wasnt a question,it was an order.

"I hate the betrayer Lerayel," replied Chris, perhaps as much to assure himself as to assure his leader. "I will not let her into my sight and let her leave alive again."

"Good..."Orchid purred happily.But even she knew that Chris was unsure.She was losing more Kerrigons then she was gaining.She could not lost another,She wouldnt lose another!

"Orchid, I will never leave you," stated Chris firmly. This, at least, was true. "I am forever loyal to this cause."

Orchid smiled slightly for a moment before nuzzling him affectionetly."At least I have one loyal follower.."She said softly.

"That you do," agreed Chris. "And believe me, I've learned my lesson in who to recruit. None of the future deserters will have been my choices." He paused for a while. "Alec never joined them, you know."

Orchid nodded solemnly."I know....But it still hurts.."She whispered,her emotions starting to get the better of her.

"Yes. But he never loved the advisor, either. You still held his affection, I believe." Chris nodded as he said that. It was strange, his experience with Alec.

"Im not so sure about and I guess Ill never know for sure."Orchid said calmly,her emotions now in check.

"No," Chris replied. "Perhaps not." He paused. "But he did not leave you alone."

Lerayel was awake again when she heard Jalen looking for her, and mad at herself. She should have known she wasn't strong enough. She sat up, feeling bored but knowing she shouldn't get up. "Jalen," she called to him through the tent.

Jalen's head appeared through the tent flap, curious, then he grinned. "You're awake. That's good. How are you feeling?" he asked, stepping into the tent, serious once more.

"Like a complete and total idiot," admitted Lerayel. "I collapsed on the way back here. Remind me next time not to judge my own strength." She smiled at him, but it faded. "I hate this. I'm so bored!"

Jalen grinned. "Well, I am already formulating a plan to cure you're boredom, Lera, but it will have to wait for now. Why do you feel like an 'complete and total idiot' my friend?" he ask as he walked to her and sat gently on the edge of the bed.

"I should have known better than to go out there in the first place, for one," Lerayel replied. "But Luna definitely needed me. Then again, I should have trusted you with that. And I never should have tried walking all the way back here from the woods." She smiled. Already he had made her feel better. "What's your cure? Come on. Now you;ve made me curious."

Jalen shook his head, smiling. "Nope, you'll just have to wait. In the mean time, try not to be so down on yourself, ok, Lera? You've done a wonderful job, and you're not dead yet. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine for not protecting you better, but again, you aren't dead, so I'm thankful and I'll do better next time. Try to rest a bit, you'll see tonight what'll cure your boredom, but for now, it has to be sleep."

"You're so mean to me, you know that?" said Lerayel with a smile. "Don't blame yourself though. If you'd taken on Siara instead of Chris, I would have freaked out and let him kill me. So you made the right choice." She sighed. "But I hate sleep. It's so... unpreductive." She laid down again, though, and settled in.

"It will help you heal. That's productive enough in my opinion," Jalen stated kindly and stroked her hair as she settled in. "Next time, Lera, I promise, no one will hurt you. I will protect you.."

"You did protect me, Jalen. You didn't let me near Chris, or him near me. That was protection enough. Thank you," Lerayel said, her eyes closed. "I still don't want to sleep though."

"Then just lay and rest," Jalen replied, his voice soft. He pushed hard against the feelings of guilt he still had and regarded Lerayel as if they were six years old again and she had just got stung by a bee. Back then, it had been so simple... "I'll stay if you want me to, Lera."

Lerayel nodded. "Mmmhmm. Please do." She smiled at him, her eyes still closed. He had a way of always making her feel better. But she knew he still felt guilty. What else could she say to him? She knew he would never forgive himself for letting her get hurt. Some times it got to the point of foolishness....

"Allright..." Jalen said, as gentle as ever, before going quiet and simply watching over her and stroking her hair while she rested. Oh, he was going to be hard to remove from her side now.

Lerayel laid in silence for a while, feeling him stroke her hair, before she finally fell into sleep. It wasn't particularly deep, but it was resting. She felt better, so much better, because of it.

Siara almost growled at him. "There's a reason why you're a lower and I'm second in command," She said, her eyes dark.

"Maybe so dear Siara but my orders come from the Lord herself. So you have been out ranked in this one. you're important to the Lord and she feels you need a bodyguard." Makaan finished then hitting her staff to the ground. "Now finish what you are doing so that we can head back. What are you doing anyway which is so important?"

"It's something personal, believe it or not. So go and get lost for a couple of minutes," Siara growled.

Makaan grunted, and turned round to face his back to her. "You've got 5 minutes. Am I hell getting in trouble for this though. We should be heading back and Chris should not have ran off like a spoilt child." After his last word crossed his lips, his staff in a puff of smoke, disappeared and he then crossed his arms.

Siara quickly and quietly finished the burial of Alec. She wouldn't leave him out there to be pecked and eaten apart by the animals. She finished in a hurry, and brushed past Makaan to leave.

Makaan nodded, then moved off to catch up to her and walk by her side. "You know burial is truely sentimental. What matters is what happens to the soul of the dead. If people know what I know, I'm sure they would turn truely mad."

Siara's eye flickered to him, then back ahead. "It's a sign of respect," She said simply, clasping her hands behind her back.

Makaan looked to her, then back ahead of them. "War is upon us and there will be far more dead. Respect will be put aside for cruelty. If not then the war will stretch out for too long."

"But we aren't in the war yet, no are we?" Siara asked, then she gave him a look that hinted he should say no more.

Makaan looked back at her but said nothing. But once this war starts dear you better keep your eyes keen.

Lerayel woke up several hours later. Dusk was falling. With a stab of pain in her side she remembered the encounter with Chris. She opened her eyes, looking at Jalen and smiling as he still stroked her hair. "Thank you," she whispered.

"Anytime," Jalen replied just as softly and smiled slightly at her, letting her get her berrings before she tried to move, he himself being ready to assist in an instant.

It was a few minutes before Lerayel tried to sit up. She struggled a little, but finally pulled herself into a sitting position. She felt worlds better. She had never known some one so loyal as Jalen. She knew now he would serve her with an undying trustworthyness. He would let nothing interfere with his protection of her.

"Are you feeling better now, Lera?" Jalen asked gently, his face like a worried puppy, looking her over for any sign of unbearable pain.

"Much," replied Lerayel. The pain in her side was now just a dull ache, whereas before it was a sharp throbb. "So what was that plan you were formulating to cure me of my boredom?"

Jalen grinned. "Happy hour," he answered simply before pulling out his flute and playing a few notes. He stood and played a few more, obviously trying to get Lerayel to follow him as he stepped out of the tent.

Grinning, Lerayel swung her legs over the side of her bed and got up. She was much, much stronger. She followed him, still smiling.

The werewolf continued playing as he traveled in a light dance through the camp, pulling others in with his music. Fighters from different places dropped their time-passing activities and picked up instead instruments like sumisens, flutes, any instrument they had and joined Jalen, following him to the wide fighting area and to the edge where he herded them into a spot to play and danced around them, playing a light and dancing tune as other people came to join them and joined in his dance as he weaved about them to the music. At some point he returned to Lerayel, determined as ever to protect her, and danced around her while playing his fairy tune with the rest of the musicians, catching her eyes with his bright, soul-filled ones, pulling her in with his song.

Lerayel met his gaze as he danced, her smile never leaving her face. She feared her strength was not yet great enough to join the dancing, but soon her fear was diminished. She felt hypnotized, as she, too, began dancing. She watched his eyes all the while, never letting them out of her sight. Finally, she added her own instrument to the song- her voice. No other music could she play, and rarely did she use it. But Lerayel had a hypnotizing singing voice. This, the realized, was the first time she sang since she left the Kerrigons. The last time she had sang, it had been for Chris. No one in the Sabrellans knew of this skill of hers. None but Jalen.

As his eyes were locked with Lerayel's, only she could have noticed the flame roar up in his eyes at her singing. It was such a beautiful sound and, for him at least, worked much like a dog whistle without the annoyance. It always called him to her and he could listen to her for days, but he would never ask her to sing that long. It would completely wear her out. He continued dancing with Lera, almost oblivious to the crowd, as more and more fighters joined the small night-time celebration.

Aerion blew a strand of hair from infrot on her face. She sat with her back to the wall of her tent, the light breeze rustling it, causing a chill to go up her spine. She yawned lightly, she was tired from not sleeping. She hadn't slept since her 'incident' with Jalen.

(aerion should come join the festivities ^^)

Luna's tears picked up on the sound of the music almost instantly & she stood walknig out of her tent, she stopped several feet away from the festive dancing with music. She sat down just watching from a distance & she was probably one of the few that no music could ever hypnotize, but would make her smile when she was down.

Lerayel felt tears come to her eyes from the sheer joy and passion in the song. She continued to watch Jalen as tears of joy streamed down her cheeks, falling in a rythm to match the music. She became aware that Luna was watching, a smile on her face. That only made Lerayel happier. Soon, the entire Sabrellan troups were gathered.

Luna sat watching for a wjhile, but her smile soon faded though she was still happy to listen to the musi. Her thoughts faded back to Alec, but something was bothering her & she didn't know what to think of it. She wanted to know more then anything waht his true feelings for her where, but she knew of no one who truly knew & knowing that he could never tell ehr now made ehr feel off set.

With his senses enflamed from the people dancing about him, of the grass and trees, Jalen almost overlooked Luna's scent. He did notice her, however, but didn't remove his eyes from Lerayel. He was going to try harder to protect her, he swore it, and no festivity or pain would distract him from his promise. He continued dancing with Lerayel, and at some point he put his pipe away and continued dancing with the leader of the Sebrellans, careful to only dance around her as she was still hurt.

Lerayel was intoxicated with the joy of the celebration. She realized this music was more than just hypnotizing. It was literally magical. Whether it was the dancing, the music, her voice, she did not know. But her wound was healing. It no longer hurt. She felt it stitch itself together, close and cease bleeding. She decided she had had enough of seeing Alec dance around her. She stepped foreward and danced with him, completely involved now and happier than she had been since Chris.

Jalen laughed jovially that his friend was healed and lifted her with his hands on her waist so her legs wrapped around his waist and he spun her around in joy. It was good to see her strong again and he was glad the celebration had helped.

Lerayel laughed, even as she continued singing. Her eyes never left his as he spun her around. She couldn't imagine this sudden, complete happiness ever ending. She knew it must, just as everything must come to an end. But she didn't care. For now she would enjoy it, as long as it lasted.

Still keeping Lera in his arms, Jalen seemed to burst with joy. He just couldn't hold it anymore. As he continued spinning her around, he tilted his head back, and let out a long howl.

Raising her voice to match the volume of his howl, Lerayel sang along with him, his animalistic noise harmonizing perfectly with her magical song. She held him even as he held her, marvelling in this sudden joy.

'I am not going out there, I am not going out there...' Aerion repeated, even as she stood, and left her tent. She leaned against a tree not far from the others, not wanting to join in. 'I don't dance.' She thought, already canceling the idea of joining in.

As the powerful song ended and a quieter, yet just as light, song began, Jalen carefully put Lerayel back on her feet again, smiling at her. "How are you feeling, my friend?" he asked.

"Happy," answered Lerayel simply, quietly. It was single word, yet it conveyed every emotion she had at the moment. She knew he, more than anyone else, would understand the power of that one word. Because only he knew just how unhappy she had been.

Makaan kept his gaze out towards the horizon, looking for the first clues that the Camp was close. Soon the banners which littered the camp soon came to view, and he turned his gaze to Siara. "We're nearly back. Once we get there you won't have to worry about me hanging over your shoulder, I have a report to compose after all."

Siara scoffed, but she didn't say anything. What was there to say? She'd most likely head out into the woods to practice anyway.

Luna continued to watch from a distance, but seeing Jalen happy with Lerayel right now & anyone else happy with someone they loved hurt to see. She slowly stood then headed back into her tent, she couldn't bare to watch any more & it was for the best that she didn't. She lay down on her cot & then let her back face the tent door, she just lay there staring off at nothing yet not showing any emotion.

Jalen nodded firmly, smiling at her, then motioned around at everyone. "Look at them," he said grandly. "All your fighters, dancing, laughing, overall being happy. You lead a good army." He breathed in and caught a hollow spot in the scents around him, and a new one. "Aerion has joined us... but where has Luna gone?..." he wondered, almost to himself as he looked around, inclined his head and smiled in greeting to Aerion as if to thank her for coming (he was happy to see her afterall), but continued searching for Luna.

Lerayel smiled yet more broadly. She was pleased to see everyone so happy. They deserved this more often. She was glad Aerion had joined in the celebration, too. That particular recruit was almost as hard to make smile as Lerayel herself. But she worried that Luna had left. Luna, she said telepathically. Will you not join us?

Aerion gave a nod back, but she did not move from her spot by the tree, and she didn't smile. What was there to smile about? She just wasn't a 'happy' person.

"I'll be right back, Lera," Jalen said and gently kissed Lerayel on the cheek before jogging over to Aerion. He smiled and took her hands lightly in his and gave her a kind kiss on the cheek. "How are you, dear Aerion?" he asked politely.

"I'm alright, I suppose.." Aerion said, noticing the tention between them.

Jalen frowned slightly. "Is something weighing on your mind?" he asked, placing his hand gently on her cheek in a sign of caring comfort. He knew she was probably mad or unsettled with him, but he also knew she'd let him know (possibly in a painful way...) if she was. He had no such inhibitions of letting a possibly nonexistant irritation stop him from showing his fondness for others.

Aerion put her hand to his before saying, "I'm...worried, yes. Something in on my mind, though I thought to you that it would be apparent."

"Worried?" Jalen sounded slightly worried himself now. Could I have..? No.. No, it was only once.. She couldn't be.. "I assumed I might know what was on your mind, yes, but.. Why are you worried?" Being with her would not be bad, no, but if she's.. No, No she can't be... It must be something else.

"I wouldn't be able to tell yet." Aerion said softly, hinting that it was still possible.

"Have.. Have you been feeling ill? Or-or tired? Anything out of the ordinary?" His soft brown eyes were swirling with concern. It wasn't that he would mind, just.. Now wasn't the time or the place.Oh, please no...

"I can't tell yet." Aerion repeated. "I'll-we'll have to wait and see." She turned her head away.

Jalen nodded and pulled her into a gentle but comforting hug. Please, sweet Aerion... Be well...

A tear slid down Aerion's cheek. 'He may me. What then? What then?' She thought. "This shouldn't be happening," She murmured.

"Aerion..." Jalen wispered softly, his voice heavy with sadness. "I'm so sorry... If I hadn't.. I didn't.. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to cause you this distress. I didn't mean to hurt you, ever, and certainly not like this.. I didn't mean to..."

"it's my fault..for thinking your actions to be more than that of instinct," Aerion said, putting up her 'shield'.

He shook his head, still holding her in his arms. "If it was only instinct," he told her softly. "I would have found the wolf..."

Aerion paused, before saying carefully, " was more than just..instinct?"

Jalen nodded before leaning back to look her in the eyes with a kind and apologenic smile. "You should rest.." he said.

"No....I'll..I'll be fine," Aerion said, trying to smile (Which was awefully difficult-she never really smiled).

Jalen frowned but nodded. Aerion was a grown woman, she knew how to take care of herself. Why was he so worried? It would be his first child but.. it wasn't born yet, and no one knew of it but them, and it might not even be, right? Besides.. Lerayel was more of a target then Aerion for now, since she was the leader and Aer was 'just a fighter'... He brushed her cheek with his hand, gave a small smile, kissed her cheek, and said "Ok, be safe, and enjoy tonight. I will find you as soon as I can.. I promise, Aer, I'll take care of you," then hurried back to Lera, his first promise.

Aerion watched him go before she gave a soft sigh. She headed back to her own tent.

Lerayel had been watching this whole time, listening. Of course her elven ears picked up every word. She was surprised- more than surprised- but it was more than that that she felt. What was it? She wasn't sure. She supposed she was happy for them. But she also knew it meant Aerion would have to take some time off training. Now she watched Jalen return to her.

Jalen hugged Lera gently as he reach her and kissed her forehead before stepping back. He was smiling. "Are you enjoying tonight, Lera?"

"More than ever, Jalen," Lerayel replied with a smile. "Is Aerion alright?" She knew, obviously, of their conversation, but decided it was best not to make that known.

Jalen nodded, his smile only slightly faltering. "Yes, of course. She's just gone to lie down. She's tired."

Lerayel nodded. "I hope she sleeps well," she said. The evening had been amazing, for lack of any other explanation. But now, she could sense, it was over. The magic was gone.

Jalen turned with a sad smile to the slowly waning festivities. The band had stopped, and though everyone was smiling still and some laughing a little, everyone was beginning to move away. "Tonight is over, Lera. You should rest. Tomorrow is a new day, and it simply can't rain all the time." He gave her an encouraging smile.

Lerayel nodded, smiling softly back. "Goodnight, Jalen," she said as she turned to return to her own tent. She arrived there and lay on her cot, staring at the ceiling, until sleep took her. Her heart as well as her body had healed during that dance. She felt at peace about Chris.

Aerion sat, and began to whittle. What would she make? She decided, and smiled softly as she began to carve.

Makaan finished compiling the report on the incident with the damned pasifists, but he made sure that he swooped in and saved the day, but in a subtle way. He looked out into the camp while men and women alike prepared for war on these poor sods. This is going to be fun I can feel it.

Luna stayed in her tent the rest of the time & lost stared at the roof of her tent never saying anything, nor making a sound she only lay there thinking to herself.

As both camps fell into their peaceful slumber and the vigilant guards of both took their nightly posts, the universe spun its web of trickery and Fate set her plan into motion... The war was soon to begin...

Yes, once more we've exceeded the limit. Time for a new page: arianova rp page 8

Arianova Character page
Arianova rp page 6

Username (or number or email):


2006-09-02 [Ayame the Snake]: hmkayz then

2006-09-02 [Artsy]: i just love how close lei fang and ben have become in the course of, what, a day? **voice dripping with sarcasm**

2006-09-02 [Dark Necromancer]: I didn't encoarage anything, I just move with the flow. I am so high on life right now.

2006-09-02 [Artsy]: not a word out of you dark, i didn't say that for comment, i'm pointing out what you two might not have noticed during it

2006-09-03 [Dark Necromancer]: hey, no need to go hostile!

2006-09-03 [Artsy]: i'm not being hostile, i'm being pointed

2006-09-03 [Dark Necromancer]: You are sounding very very mean, when I am high, and that isn't cool. Just stop sounding mad...

2006-09-03 [Artsy]: how can i stop sounding mad? i'm writing, you're just reading it as if i were mad, trying thinking if i was being nice, every think of trying that?

2006-09-03 [Dark Necromancer]: I have, but the way it was worded, it made it seem as if you were angry...sorry about that...

2006-09-03 [Artsy]: how else was i supposed to word it??

2006-09-03 [Dark Necromancer]: I dunno, maybe, Please be quiet for now, man. I am trying to explain something...

2006-09-03 [Artsy]: how is that any nicer?

2006-09-03 [Dark Necromancer]: You would have said please*grins loopily*

2006-09-03 [Artsy]: that doesn't necessarily make it nicer

2006-09-03 [Dark Necromancer]: Sometimes...

2006-09-04 [Angelis Nightfall]: Hey i have a question?

2006-09-04 [Angelis Nightfall]: Living message me ok

2006-09-04 [Artsy]: uh.. why? o.O

2006-09-04 [Angelis Nightfall]: It's nothing bad don't worry, bue please message me.

2006-09-04 [Dark Necromancer]: I'm bored...

2006-09-05 [Artsy]: *waits for chris to respond or jalen to be needed*

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